Asif Muhammad hasni

       When you were reading the title of this article that are we responsible for our destruction, what was the first thing that came in your mind as far as the word 'WE' is concerned?
      Did you think of WE as members of an ethnicity or citizens of a specific country? Some friends would have thought WE is used for the people of a specific religion or sect. Or may be for a specific city or region.
      But did any of you think that WE could have been used for  7. 5 billion humans who are living on planet earth? If anyone of you took WE as the inhabitants of earth then it is worth praising. But, if any  individual thought about a specific race, language, country or sect then sorry to say we have never been successful in becoming a member of the human community.
     There  are approximately 7. 5 billion people living around the world and when we talk about the ruination of earth then who is to be held responsible?
       Certainly the answer would be that the human beings are responsible. And if the human beings are blameworthy for the destruction caused on earth then the question arises that whether these are caused due to collective acts or these are due to individual acts? Can we held  an individual act culpable for the harms caused on earth?
       When we open the annals of history, we read about the barbaric and ruthless emperors and conquerors that how they conquered other kingdoms and how they loved to be indulged in the massacre of human beings.But an emperor alone can't kill millions of people. He can do this with the help of his soldiers and supporters. And who are those soldiers and supporters? Are they some aliens who come from other planets in order to kill the humans? Obviously, all of them are humans from within us.
When Gengis khan massacred millions of people then  should he only be held  reprehensible or the whole humanity is responsible for this great genocide? If all the humans around the globe would have acknowledged their responsibility for each other and for the planet earth then would it be possible for Gengis khan to kill millions of people?
 When Gengis khan or any other invader attacked a country and the people all around the globe would have stood against them by saying that they  won't let the invaders  kill their brothers then what would have happened?  Would they have  been  able to kill millions of people?Certainly they would not have been able to do such destructions.
      Today hundreds of people are killed in  terrorist attacks all around the world.
But how painful it is that when people are killed in west, people in east celebrate their murder. And same goes when people are killed in East.
       Millions of people were killed in world war I and II. Who is deplorable for this destruction? Same goes for the genocide of 100 million Native Americans.
     Humans blame fate for many incidents that take place due to human negligence but when humans kill each other then what else to be blamed?
      When we hear  about someone's killing, our mind processes it and in micro seconds we process and get the person's ethnicity, religion, sect and country etc. If we find something mutual, then we condemn the murder and feel sorrowful  for the dead. But if nothing is found to be mutual besides being human beings then do we feel any pain for the dead?Hundreds of people die due to poverty, malnutrition, terrorism and invasions. Do we feel pain for all the people regardless of their color, caste, country and religion?
        Besides the genocide of humans by humans, there are other destructive things that humans are doing in order to fulfill their greed. According to Stephen Hawkings, life will not sustain on earth after 100 years. Humans and other species will not be able to survive on earth. He explained many reasons for this. But the most important thing that he elaborated is  climate change. All the humans whether individually or collectively are contributing in the climate change. But unfortunately, this important issue is neglected and everyone is trying to accomplish their own needs.For time being, humans will be accomplishing their desires but what would they be giving to their offspring? An unsustainable climate?
      All the pivotal problems in the world whether terrorism,extremism or climate change can only be overcome if all the humans will be united against these problems. No nation can individually tackle these issues.
The international organizations made for solving these hazardous issues are failed to deliver. These organizations are not able to solve these issues after having all the resources that are required.
As a member of a community , as a citizen of a country we take many responsibilities on our shoulders. But being a member of human race do we feel any responsibility? Do the earth and other humans have rights which we need to fulfill? If the answer is yes then do we acknowledge  and try to fulfill them?
        In concluding, humans need to realize their responsibilities towards other humans and towards the planet earth. This is the time when it has become indispensable to think beyond one's own self.